Sunday, June 14, 2009

Would Jesus ride a bicycle?

I asked God to help me lose weight. I really don't eat that often, like all day long but I have a portion problem, I never know when to stop eating.
About two years ago I got sick and lost about 10 lbs in one weekend! I wasn't fun at the time, but I was able to keep it off for awhile. Winter time seems to get me the worst. All those holidays, all that food. Well I didn't get sick last winter, the pounds came back on, but I really never got down to where I wanted to be during the summer prime bike riding season. So this year I watch in horror as the scale climbs back up...22o, 225, 227, 230! I think I finally topped out around 237, might have hit 240 one time. About 6 years ago, at my biggest I was around 260+. That's when my diabetes appeared. I was so bad out of shape. I remembered when I was a young, skinny kid. That's when I rode my bike everywhere. I would even ride it over to my girlfriends houses.
So I decided to start riding a bike again. The first few times out, I hardly got in 3 miles, I was huffing and puffing, and soaked in sweat. I stuck with it and the weight started falling off pretty fast. Soon I was going 5 miles, then 7! Then 10 and I finally got up to 15 miles around and around my neighborhood. I finally ventured out on the back roads of Union Co. My diabetes has backed away, as long as I continue to exercise and try to watch what I eat and drink, I don't even have to take any meds for it anymore!
Anyhow, to make a long story short, this spring there I was again, 237 lbs. and it seemed no amount of riding was working to burn off that fat. So I asked my God again, Lord, please help me to lose weight again. I'll even suffer thru another episode of illness like I did a few years ago to get this thing kick started. LOL, When am I gonna learn I can't make deals with my Maker. He knows what I need, and He knows how to get me there. I didn't see any burning bushes, and the weight didn't go away, if anything it seemed to increase.
I started losing weight again! I kinda of liked that, so I waited as long as I could before going to talk to my DR about all the sadness. Yesterday after a 67 mile ride with the Bee team. I got home and got on the scale. 212.5! WOOHOO!!! (But some was water weight, I gained back to 215 at the end of the day as I re hydrated.)
So I started this blog to express my innermost feelings. I was thinking earlier today, did God answer my plea for to lose weight, by letting all this happen. That's pretty far fetched, I know, but maybe stranger things have happened. After all, he is in control of everything. And the bible says to thank God if you find yourself in trials and tribulations. You know, Long suffering produces Perseverance, Perseverance creates Character, something like that. I am working with limited mental capabilities here. I guess I should really go get my bible and look it up so I will be right in my quotes.
Anyway, God does answer us, sometimes in ways we would have never thought of.

Thank you God for all the trials I have before me. I mess up pretty regular, usually when I go my own way, not yours. Please use all the trials you put before me to shape me, and mold me into the person you want me to be. Please use your staff and rod to guide me away from danger, just like the good Shepard's did in the past. Amen.

Another Sunrise

I love the morning time. The sun just keeps coming back, day after day. Even when it's cloudy and rainy, I know the sun is there because the darkness of night slips away. With each new day, the promise of exciting adventures before us awaits.

Please go out today, and play in the sunshine!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why do I wake up with stuff like this inside my head???

I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted, (and) my arms are open wide
'Cause you know just what to say And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much, I love you ...

I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello, I've just got to let you know
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying,
I love you ...

Hello, is it me you're looking for?
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying ...

I love you

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It is Finished

Thats what Jesus said as He hung there. He knew his work as a mortal man was over. The whole reason and purpose for Him to come into this fallen world as a helpless baby was to be the "escape goat" for the whole human race. All through the old testament you'll find refereneces to Gods requirement for a flawless sacrifice to atone for the sins of his chosen people, the Jews. And flawless and perfect is exactly what He was.

BUT the one thing that differeniates Jesus from other great good people, Mohammad, Budda, Mother Teresa, and so many more is the fact that He overcame death. He walked with, talked with, comforted, and consoled, and continued to teach His followers in person, after he had died. He was living proof there is life after death. They didn't even recognize Him at first. The bible says we will recieve a new body, free from all defects, but His body still had some reminders, the holes in His hands, and side. The places that "doubting Thomas" actually touched Him.

I believe what I read in the Bible. I believe Jesus is alive today, reigning in all His Glory in a realm that we cannot see or visit as long as we're in these earthly bodies. I long for the time to be absent from this body, and to be present with Him. No more pain, no more suffering. The streets are said to be paved with gold up there, can you imagine how smooth and sweet that would be to ride on golden streets! I wonder if there are bicycles there? The bible doesn't say anything about that. At least not that I've found yet. But don't take my word for it, get you one and read it for yourself.

Ask Jesus to come into your life as your personal saviour. Even if you don't believe as I do, you can believe that I believe! And My God is big enough for both of us, He will meet you where ever you are and then take you to where He wants you to be. All it takes is a little faith, as small as a mustard seed to get started.